So, I spun a bit again on Sunday, how fun. Here's the results of my second ever attempt:
Ha! How fun! I'm really enjoying it, and it was a nice little reward/break after threading a new warp on my loom at my studio...
Sold yet another piece today:
It's tencel and variegated rayon from Dragon Tale yarns - I used this same colorway for my project that is going to be published in the upcoming January/February issue of Handwoven. (The directions will be for a different colorway, though...)
And, finally, while downloading photos from my camera today, I found this one that I took about ten days ago - we were on a little trip down to Lancaster to buy some apples and stopped by the drumlin there (it's preservation land now, and it's lovely). Aren't drumlins neat? (Click here to read about them on Wiki if you don't know what I'm talking about!) (Yes, I admit it, I'm a bit of a geology nerd.)
Hard to capture the shape of it, this one might do a little better...
1 day ago
Your hand spun yarn looks fab!!! You are a born natural;)
Wait. You live near Lancaster, PA. I live by Lancaster, PA. I didn't know we were "neighbors".
Love the scarf you sold. It had a gorgeous texture.
Oops! I'm sorry, Marie! I should have said - the Dexter Drumlin is actually in Lancaster, Massachusetts, which is near where I live in Chelmsford, MA. :)
oh - you're just going to love spinning...
the scarf is so elegant!
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