1. I didn't learn to ski until I was about 24. And I didn't learn to snowboard until I was 31!
2. I've been weaving for almost 8 years... (is that really random? probably not, oh well!)
3. I didn't drink coffee until I was in law school. Carlos got me addicted to espresso, evil man.
4. Carlos and I lived in Texas for five years. Talk about a fish out of water!
5. I lived in Mexico City for six weeks one summer.
6. I love to cook. And bake bread
7. I don't have a favorite color. Apparently, I'm hopelessly indecisive.
8. My laptop is purple. :) So is my mouse.
9. In no particular order, I absolutely loved visiting London, Madrid, Florence, Avignon, Edinburgh, Bath, Munich, Sienna and Rome. But Paris is at the top of my "absolutely MUST return" list. Followed by Barcelona, and then Venice.
10. In the summer, I grow tomatoes and zucchini in my front yard.
11. I REALLY need a haircut.
13. We have two adopted kitty cats. Meow.
14. I drove through Yellowstone Park in 1988 when the forest fires were raging.
15. I'm a complete nerd.
16. I have really big feet.
17. I always wanted red hair to go with my freckles and fair skin and green eyes. Bella got the gorgeous hair! :)
18. I have four older brothers, 3 nephews, 6 nieces, 2 great-nephews, 1 great-niece and another great niece or nephew on the way (hello to pregnant niece Timothea in England!). I was a great-aunt before I had kids of my own!
19. My snowboard cost more than my wedding gown. (Carlos thinks I shouldn't tell people this, but I find it quite funny and very fitting.)
20. We closed on our house on my 35th birthday. Some present!
21. I learned to knit while driving across the country during college (see #14).
22. I play piano. Badly. I also play flute. Well. :)
23. I read voraciously. (And I really do talk like that. Gah.)
24. I love Dwell magazine.
25. I'm trying to think of something else that's just about me. I keep wanting to talk about the kids or Carlos! Oh. Got one. I was a cheerleader in high school. Yikes.
OK, I'm off to tag my niece Timothea! :) I probably can't find 25 people to tag that haven't already been tagged, so I'm not even going to try... Though if you comment here, I'll tag you! :)
Ok, it make take me a bit to actually get this posted. I swear, even though I don't have an actual out-of-the-home job, I never have enough time in the day to do everything I want!!
This post really captures exactly what you are like. For anyone that
is interested, the red hair comes
from my sister Ruth. I always wished that I had beautiful hair. Kristins isn't red but it is very thick, soft and wavy curly, lovely. Kris really is a very good cook, far better than her mother. However, I also love making bread and I won't say that hers is better than mine.
LOL, Mum - your bread kicks major ass. :) Besides, you taught me to bake, so you can take full credit!
Hooray!!! 25 things that are so fun!!! and....you included a picture of you doing one of the best things in the whole world....dressing your loom! I love the fact that spent more for your snowboard!!! lol....I'll chuckle all night;)
thanks for playing along,
love reading interesting people's lists like that. I couldn't even come up with 7 things when I was tagged (so do not tag me). 7.
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