I've had Catherine Ellis'
book "Woven Shibori" for quite a while now, but I'm just getting around to giving it a bit of a whirl:

My first attempt, on the loom, a simple four shaft monk's belt pattern in 20/2 silk and a tencel pattern thread, just so I can get the hang of the dying process, see how it works. Once it is off the loom, the idea is to pull the purple threads really right to create pleats so the dye won't penetrate to the folded areas.

I did experiment with a blank t-shirt and some
nui (stitched)
shibori, though! Dyed it chartreuse first, and then did a second dye bath with a deeper
loden green after stitching just a simple pattern across the shirt. And it worked! I'm ticked! (And just so easily amused,

With all this playing with dye going on, Bella thought it would be fun to paint a shirt for herself. So, I gave her some textile paints and away she went! It's a field of flowers and a sunset, with a little
reflection of the sun in the pond on the right, she says. And the field got a little dug up, hence the brown. She's all about the process when she paints, it's interesting... Half the time she'll make a really intricate picture and then paint right over it.
I think regardless how the woven shibori comes out, I'll definitely be doing more stitched shibori. All sorts of ideas floating around in my head - lots of fun!
We're off to Stowe, Vermont, for a long ski weekend, leaving tomorrow evening! Bella will be skiing on her 5
th birthday, how fun!
What fun Bella must have had, it's a great tee shirt! I can't wait to see the final result of the scarf, makes me want to shibori too!
I love seeing how children use colours and patterns, its always a surprise!! woven shibori looks so interesting, can't wait to see your next post. Hope you had a great break, (Happy Birthday Bella).
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